APT Awarded Multiple GroundBreaker Plant Orders
The GroundBreaker division caused a stir within the mining industry when it was first implemented several years ago and the flurry of orders we have been awarded of late prove that this division is not slowing down anytime soon. APT have always taken the approach of providing solutions to problems faced in the mining industry, rather than simply providing mining equipment, and we apply this ideology throughout our range from the ground up. Over the years we are proud to have been a part of the game changers, many of whom have been internationally recognized for their work in the small scale mining sector using our equipment. Here's what we have in the pipeline:
- An order won for a small, but important, gold processing facility in Mozambique. Billed as a pilot unit, this ground breaking facility will enable the Mozambicans to train, develop and formalize their artisanal mining industry.
- An award of the full GroundBreaker range headed to Nigeria, again based around artisanal equipment. These plants will be used to open the way forward for larger plays. “The importance of these artisanal orders cannot be over emphasized” said Hannah Peacocke, APT’s project manager, “they are seeds of very big trees that will grow in the future”.
- APT then won an order for small hard rock mills into Sudan, targeted at the burgeoning high grade reef operations. “These units will fit into the larger scheme of facilitating mercury-free processing in this important market for APT”, said Gary McFarlane, APT’s business development executive.
We are looking forward to taking on these projects and making our clients proud! Congratulations to our team on the continued success of the GroundBreaker range.